Eco Friendly Office Printers
It’s common knowledge that turning off lights and air conditioners can help you save a significant amount of energy. But how often do you think of office equipment contributing to energy efficiency? The use of printers and similar devices account for around 3% of total energy consumption in offices. While that might not seem like much, just consider that as printers get old, they become less and less energy efficient. Before long, it can become more costly to hold on to your old printer. HP Printer Repair in Burnaby explains this theory.
Why do old printers become less efficient?
HP Printer Repair in Burnaby explains that, just like any other machine, printers become slower over time. The moving parts inside your printer wear down with regular use. Later on you may notice that your printer will take longer to start up and be ready for use than when you first bought it. And longer start up times mean more greater consumption.
To Buy or To Repair?
Printers are generally not considered to be luxury appliances, so most people are more likely to dispose of an old printer than to have it repaired. The main advantage of this is that you can expect energy efficiency to improve with every new model launched, so you are probably going to find a more efficient model now than you did when you bought your two year old printer. Another thing to consider is that as printer technology advances, so do ink cartridges. The ink you used to buy a few years back might not even be available after a while, rendering old printers quite useless. Printers are also the type of appliance that loses its value quickly, so factor that in with the fact that it is less energy efficient and you are sure to want to buy a new model instead.
However, HP Printer Repair in Burnaby says that buying new isn’t always going to be your best option. Depending on what your printing needs may be, an old printer may be more than enough for you. If all you use your printer for is simple document printing without sophisticated graphics, your current printer will do just fine.
To make your printer serve you better for a longer period of time, be sure to regularly have it serviced. Fortunately, HP Printer Repair in Burnaby is just a quick phone call away and will get you the service you need at rates you will be happy with. They have the right facility for your printer model and budget and you’ll be running a more energy efficient office in no time.
Here are some other ideas on how to minimize your carbon footprint with eco-friendly computers.